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''A Special Red Valentine's Ham and Let's Do Dinner with Strawberry Beer or Pink Gin to Toast... !''


Prepare the large-sized ham in bone by skinning and scoring with 1'' marks diametrically cross-wise (cf. like a trellis) and inserting whole cloves in each ''eye'' (use 4 - 5 dozen).

Set aside the ham in a roasting rack with pan and take aluminium foil in two parts and mold to cover it so its browns well while roasting at 175 dec C for 3.5 hrs.

Coat one-half portion or 2 1/4 c or up to 3 c of the glaze liberally on the scored, cloved large ham (see below for instrucciones):

The night before, take the ingredients together for the glaze with the ff. ingredients: (total=5 1/2 c)

1/2 c maple syrup

1 c apple juice

3 - 4 regular sized beets and puree thoroughly

1 1/2 c honey

1/2 c H2O

1/4 c olive oil

1 3/4 c red onion

1/2 c balsamic vinegar

3 tblsp sugar

3 tblsp raisin pureed

2 tsp minced, peeled ginger

1 tsp yellow mustard seed

1 pinch cumin

Hint: Use the Chemists' Rule when handling portioned recipes: Take the primary recipe as guide and subdivide only to mix together anything up and above using the homogeneous rule of mixing.



Keep it simple. Note and go through each step of the cooking process from prep time (including arranging ingredients), utensils, including pots and pans, preheat the oven and set timer for cooking time, after let set aside to cool down according to instructions; serve also in the manner for presentation as recommended by the recipe-maker.



Check for doneness with cooking time: e. g. for roasts, use a roasting thermometer, a toothpick for breads, puddings and cakes; note the need to pre-coat the sheet pans for baking with shortening/oil. For pasta and vegetables follow carefully instructions to be al dente adding enough water, gentle boiling with salt added and tasting regularly the bite, followed by draining and washing several times.



As a rule we prepare and present foods readily using only the implements and serving dishes and/or pans that allow for this to avoid any extra artistry thru decorative needs as is limited, involved with the dish. Alternatively follow according to script the illustrated suggestion on the packaging.

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