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Coconut Milk Stew made to please, akin to pinoy white adobo flavoured deliciously new!

The ingredients for the stew:

- 1/4 c. lime juice

- 2 c. coconut milk or gata

- 1 1/2 c. H2O

- 2 tbsp. cooking oil (Canola)

- 1 tbsp. garlic from chopped crushed cloves

- 1/4 tsp. oregano powder

- 1 tsp. cumin powder

- 1 truss dried lemon grass

- 3 bay leafs

- 3 mild red chilli peppers + 2 sliced from whole green bell peppers

- 1 lb. beef + 1 lb. chicken for a meaty Pinoy stew

- 1 whole chopped yellow onion

- 2 tsp. black pepper

- salt to taste


- Saute the meat in oil over HI heat until brown adding in the garlic, onion, oregano, cumin and cover to simmer. Then add in the chilli peppers and bell peppers.

- Add in the liquids to follow of coconut milk gata, H2O, then dried lemon grass, bay leafs with black pepper and salt to taste and add lime juice in the end. Simmer further with stirring and cook until gravy from the meat is thickened over MED. heat on gas range.

- Serve hot with brown or white basmati rice on top.



Keep it simple. Note and go through each step of the cooking process from prep time (including arranging ingredients), utensils, including pots and pans, preheat the oven and set timer for cooking time, after let set aside to cool down according to instructions; serve also in the manner for presentation as recommended by the recipe-maker.


Check for doneness with cooking time: e. g. for roasts, use a roasting thermometer, a toothpick for breads, puddings and cakes; note the need to pre-coat the sheet pans for baking with shortening/oil. For pasta and vegetables follow carefully instructions to be al dente adding enough water, gentle boiling with salt added and tasting regularly the bite, followed by draining and washing several times.


As a rule we prepare and present foods readily using only the implements and serving dishes and/or pans that allow for this to avoid any extra artistry thru decorative needs as is limited, involved with the dish. Alternatively follow according to script the illustrated suggestion on the packaging.

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