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"Flan Custard a la Mode is for fiestas or picnics for you to get crack'in with an almandine topp'in... "


10 large egg yolks

1 can condensed milk

1 c. fresh milk

1 c. granulated sugar

1 tsp vanilla

Ingredients for the sauce sheen topping:

2/3 c. Kahlua (R) coffee liquer

2 tblsp almond + toasted wheat flour

1/3 c. brown sugar

Ingredients for strawberry sauce topping:

6-8 large strawberries

2/3 c H2O

1/3 c. granulated white sugar


Ingredients for Kiwi-Lime Squash sauce topping:

2/3 c. mash of Kiwi fruit (peeled)

3 tblsp Lime squash (obtainable from TnT Supermarket, Vancouver area)

1/8 c. H2O

1/3 c. granulated white sugar


  1. Beat eggs with a whisk or hand mixer until homogeneous

  2. Add condensed milk, fresh milk, sugar and vanilla to make the flan

  3. In a separate pan for cooking add over HI heat sauce ingredients for topping

of Kahlua (R) and dry ingredients to line the bottom of the cooking container

and slowly over a few minutes caramelize to a dark golden colour; or combine

to make the green sauce from lime and Kiwi with H2O and sugar and slowly over a

few minutes caramelize to a dark green colour.

4. Take the pan and add in the sauce as a topping or liner.

5. Proceed by pouring in the flan mixture into the same pan and then drop into a v. large stock pot with a

can as base use a Danish butter cookie tin as a stand over 3" H2O to boil covered to steam for 30 mins.

6. When done, put the pan upside down to pry and drop the round flan onto a

serving dish.

7. Lastly take the fruit and using a fork to mash adding H2O and sugar and over

HI heat heat sauce to drizzle over the flan base on the platter.

8. Finally, trim with slices of strawberries or Kiwi fruit or both after topping with Cool

Whip (R) and applying the slices of fruit round the top of the flan custard.



Keep it simple. Note and go through each step of the cooking process from prep time (including arranging ingredients), utensils, including pots and pans, preheat the oven and set timer for cooking time, after let set aside to cool down according to instructions; serve also in the manner for presentation as recommended by the recipe-maker.



Check for doneness with cooking time: e. g. for roasts, use a roasting thermometer, a toothpick for breads, puddings and cakes; note the need to pre-coat the sheet pans for baking with shortening/oil. For pasta and vegetables follow carefully instructions to be al dente adding enough water, gentle boiling with salt added and tasting regularly the bite, followed by draining and washing several times.



As a rule we prepare and present foods readily using only the implements and serving dishes and/or pans that allow for this to avoid any extra artistry thru decorative needs as is limited, involved with the dish. Alternatively follow according to script the illustrated suggestion on the packaging.

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